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Costs & Funding

It currently costs £8.25 per hour for under 3s and £7.50 per hour for over 3s  (with the cost being reviewed in September each year) and lunch club for over 3s costs £7.50 per lunch club session.  We are a non-profit making organisation. 

Through the government’s Early Years Funding Scheme, children aged 3 & 4 years old are eligible for up to 15 hours of free pre-school education for up to 38 weeks of the year and most families take advantage of this.  A weekly Forest School session can be taken as part of your free entitlement funding. We will automatically apply for this funding on your behalf from the term after your child’s third birthday.  Depending on your circumstances, you may also be entitled to 2 year old funding or an additional 15 hours 3/4 year old funding. Please note however that we may not be able to offer all of the hours for which your child is entitled to funding and that our pre-school is only open for 37 weeks each year.  For further details on funding please see 

Call us:

07510 303043

Find us: 

20 Denne Road, Horsham RH12 1JF

© St Marys Pre-School

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