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Latest Newsletters

This page has the latest newsletters and updates for your information

14th June 2024

Huge thanks again to all those parents who have come in to share food, pictures, songs, dances and much more from their countries. The children are really enjoying the variety of experiences and activities. We have been having lots of visits from teachers from the different reception classes our children are moving on to and these will continue over the next few weeks.

A few reminders:

  • We have no facilities for keeping food cold or reheating food safely and so you need to:

    • provide ice packs if food needs to be kept cold (eg for yogurts or cooled cooked food) and

    • use a pre-heated thermos flask for hot food to keep it at a safe temperature.

  • We are a nut and sesame seed free pre-school (particularly as we have staff and children with allergies) and so

  • please do not use sun-screen containing almond oil or similar

  • please do not send in hummus unless it is free of sesame seeds

Other things about suncream
We cannot apply suncream first thing in the morning, so please make sure you do this before the children come in. For children who stay all day, please supply suncream so that we can do a top-up BUT make sure that you label the suncream.

Please name EVERYTHING!


Popcorn is a choking risk for under 5s. This has been highlighted in recent first aid courses that staff have attended and so please don't give popcorn to your children. It's sad as we have had fun making this at forest school in the past but it will be all the more exciting for the children to do it when they are older! Here is a helpful guide:  Also, please don't put nappy bags or any plastic bags in the children's bags but, if you have spare plastic bags, please donate them to us for putting wet clothes in.

Revised Policies
I attach the policies which are being reviewed this term. The changes are in red. If you have any comments on these or any other policies, please contact Karen or Lai or one of the parent representatives on the Governance Panel.

Governance Panel Meeting
If there are other issue or ideas you would like discussed at the next Governance Panel meeting, which is next Wednesday 19th June, please speak to your parent representatives, who are Becky (Albie's mum) and Josie (Chloe's mum).

No Photos or filming in or around the setting

This is for all the children's safety, please watch the video to further understand why we ask this 

Shared snack week is the last week of term: Monday 8th - Friday 12th July
The last day of term is Friday 12th July.
This is also the date of our Pre-School Leavers' service, to which all the pre-school children are invited, whether they are leaving or not, along with wider family and friends. The service will be at 1.15pm in St. Mary's Church and will be followed by some fun organised by the social team. Details to follow.

Lai, Karen and the pre-school team

24th May 2024

No preschool next week!
Remember it is half-term next week so NO PRE-SCHOOL from 27th until 31st May.
Pre-school starts again on 3rd June.


Shared snack

Thank you so much for all the fruit and vegetables you sent in to share. It was very successful and a great way to encourage them to try other things and to understand about healthy eating. 

Forest School
Your child must be wearing long sleeves, long trousers and waterproof trousers.
Even if the weather is dry, the children may be doing water or mud play and they are much more comfortable crawling on the ground and climbing trees if they are wearing waterproofs. It also gives them another layer of protection against nettles and brambles, which is why we also insist on long sleeves.
Long trousers are required in case it does get too hot for the waterproof trousers but we will make that decision depending on weather and activities. Please always send them in, regardless of the weather, and please send any extras back - we are getting very short of spares!
If the weather is very hot, we can change your child when he or she comes back to pre-school (or before he or she goes if it is an afternoon session). The temperature is very different under the trees!

Sun cream and hats
Now we are getting sunnier weather, please put sun cream on your child before pre-school. If it needs to be reapplied at lunch time, please give us a labelled bottle to keep in pre-school.
We have some spare hats, but if your child likes their own hat, please send a labelled one in.  

Label Everything!
Drinks bottles are the worst at the moment but generally label everything!

Lost Property Box
Please collect your lost items!

Holidays and other days off
Please let us know when these will be or your child is off sick. We spend a lot of time chasing up absences so please let us know.
We will also offer planned days off to other children as a 'fund raiser'. Please let us know when they will be or if you would like to book your child in for an extra session.

Lai, Karen and the pre-school team

Call us:

07510 303043

Find us: 

20 Denne Road, Horsham RH12 1JF

© St Marys Pre-School

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With many thanks to for many of the images on this site.

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